Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 I know I’ve led a sheltered life but even so I’m surprised it’s taken me so long to find out that the line ‘Not all those who wander are lost,' which I think is a pretty good line, comes from Tolkein’s poem  "The Riddle of Strider," written for The Fellowship of The Ring.


I’ve always found Tolkien pretty much unreadable, but somehow his reputation has survived this obstacle, and that quotation (with variations) has thrived on a lot of those ‘inspirational quotation’ sites around the Interwebs.  

Now, there’s nothing quite like an inspirational quotation to bring out the cynic in me, so you can imagine how pleased I was, while looking for something else, to find this, which I subsequently found in various other versions :


And finally, to prove, as if proof were needed, that not all who walk are noble, moral or decent, here is a picture of a walker, in fact power walker, whose name shall not be spoken.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


 And so to Gray’s Inn Garden to see Sir Francis Bacon’s The Walks with my own eyes. It looked like this: 

As a “design feature” The Walks don’t look as though they took all that much designing, and the casual viewer might also observe that nobody’s actually walking in or on The Walks, but I suppose walking is not mandatory. Though there were was the couple in this picture, walking on the grass.


Also you’ll notice in the background that fine magnolia tree (at least I’m reasonably sure it’s a magnolia), and there was this splendid sculpture by Richard Renshaw called “The Bird Sculpture.” It was, apparently, presented to the Inn by Master Leighton Williams and installed at the end of 2022

And just around the corner was this statue of Sir Francis Bacon himself, but it’s not the best picture because there was a “keep off the grass sign” and although in general I’m not averse to a bit of light trespassing and rule breaking, I did think that being pursued by the lads from the Inns of Court might be more trouble than I could handle.


I was there with fellow flaneur Ashley Biles and as we walked around the area he took me to the Lincolns Inn Chapel which is a magnificent thing and looks like this from ground level (not my photo):


And at home later that very same day I watched the Persauders on TV, the episode titled “Take Seven” and I’m reasonably sure that some of it was filmed very close to the chapel.  Like this:


I mentioned this to Ashley and he wasn’t surprised. He said he used to work in that area and crews were filming there all the time and he said in an email “They still do a lot of filming in the area, particularly in and around Lincoln’s Inn. I have been told off before now, ignoring signs and impolite requests to not interrupt the filming. I did receive a broad grin once from Olivia Coleman, by the MI6 building for telling a ‘runner’ to fuck off. I was late for work and they had over run their license to film. A rather pointless act, but needs must.’


He added “she gives a good smile” - Just another reason to love Olivia Colman.