Thursday, March 2, 2023


 Did you know there’s an area of Norwich called Tombland?

I suppose a lot of people do, but I didn’t until I found myself in Norwich last weekend, having been to a disappointing exhibition, and was looking for entertainment.  And although I wasn’t expecting Tombland to be some sci-fi, horror, zombie theme park, I was still disappointed at first to find that Tombland is pretty much the public square in front of the Cathedral entrance. 


In fact Tombland is the Old English or possibly Viking (scholars differ) word for empty space, though of course it’s not as empty as it used to be.  And right there in the middle there’s an obelisk, and I think you already know about my mild but ongoing obelisk obsession.  This one is actually a drinking fountain.


So it hadn’t been a wasted afternoon, and then because I’d looked at a map earlier, I’d seen that Rosary Cemetery was nearby, and so (being something off a taphophile) it had to be investigated. We had to walk through Old Library Woods which was not much of a wood, though there was a wayside library and a 'community chatting bench,' and some fine bookish sculptures complete with real live, unsculpted, fungi.

       And then into Rosary Cemetery which was, OMG, obelisk central - far more than you see in these pictures – Obeliskland, if you will.


         It was established in 1819 by Thomas Drummond, and various sources say it was the first non-denominational burial ground in Britain, though I’d have thought Bunhill Fields – resting place of Bunyan, Blake and Defoe - first used as a burial ground in 1665 would have some claim on this.  Other sources simply say Rosary was the first private cemetery in England. 

         I like walking in cemeteries, I find it a pleasure, and I do spend a certain amount of time wondering what exactly is the nature of this pleasure.  I don’t think it’s a form of gloating.  I don’t walk around thinking how lucky I am to be alive when all these other folk are dead, because I know that my luck will run out and sooner or later I’ll be joining them.

Partly I enjoy the mysteries of cemeteries. The people in these graves all had complex and nuanced lives and you can only imagine what these were because even the most elaborate headstone never tells you much. And even though an obelisk doesn’t tell you any more, it does make a statement.


         In fact I’ve considered buying an obelisk so that I can have it my back garden now while I live, and then loved ones can move it to the cemetery when I’m gone, so that others can walk around the graveyard see my obelisk and think what a great man this Nicholson must have been.  


Or I suppose if these same loved ones set up the Nicholson Memorial Museum of Curiosities, we might have something like this:


Of course since I’ll be gone I won’t know whether the loved ones have actually done this or not.


Tuesday, February 28, 2023


D.J. Waldie (that's him above) is a pedestrian and the author of Holy Land: a Suburban Memoir, an excellent book about growing up and living in the suburban hinterland of Los Angeles, in Lakewood.  In the interests of clarity it’s probably worth saying that he’s not an actual DJ.

Recently on his website he published a piece titled ‘Walking in LA: Los Angeles is the second-most dangerous city for pedestrians in the U.S.’


Waldie is a pedestrian by default, and a non-driver. As he says in the article, and as he’s often written about elsewhere, he suffers from various sight problems which prevent him from driving, though as he also says in the piece, ‘If I could, of course I would drive.’


In fact you do meet a certain number of non-drivers in Los Angeles. There are various reasons – from environmental showboating to having been banned from driving, to simply being poor, though it always seemed to me that many of the poorest people in LA still found a way to scrape together the wherewithal to buy a car.

More often than not. non-drivers in L.A. aren’t so much pedestrians as people who want to cadge a lift.


I was taken by that sub-headline in the Waldie piece saying that LA is the second most dangerous city for pedestrians in the U.S.  I’ve done some non-exhaustive research on this – looking at lists of ‘America’s most dangerous cities for pedestrians’ – not least because if LA is number 2, I wanted to know what was number one.

But it seems there’s no simple and agreed upon answer. I’ve found stastics where Los Angeles is number one, other statistics where it’s not even in the top 50.  

Still, the dangers are real enough for an LA walker. Waldie writes, ‘I’m a good pedestrian however, staying within the marked crosswalks and never jaywalking, even when the next crosswalk is a long walk away. Free-range pedestrianism is dangerous, Anti-war activist Jerry Rubin was struck and killed in 1994 while attempting to cut across Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood. The head of the Los Angeles teachers’ union, crossing the seven lanes of Olympic Boulevard, was killed.’

I do like that phrase, ‘Free-range pedestrianism.’


Then Waldie adds, and I thought this was the real kicker, ‘Fewer streets are marked by crosswalks today. The city has sandblasted away hundreds since the mid-1970s when traffic engineers showed, not surprisingly, that more pedestrians are killed in crosswalks than out of them. The engineers said the painted lines gave pedestrians a false sense of security, making them less attentive to danger. Risk managers had another reason to eliminate crosswalks. Their presence makes cities vulnerable if the city is sued by injured pedestrians or their survivors.’


Well that makes a lot of terrible and shocking yet all too predictable sense, doesn’t it?


Waldie’s website is here.


Friday, February 24, 2023


 I was reading about Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1662), philosopher, writer, begetter of the Baconian method of scientific investigation, and latterly a disgraced politician in the days when politicians were capable of grace.


He also had a lot to say about gardens, and from the late 1590s he was responsible for the grounds of Gray’s Inn,  known as The Walks.  In 1702 it looked like this:


Like this in 1804:

currently like this:


Bacon’s Walks were a place to go for a walk, and a fashionable one at that, as recorded by Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn.  I suppose they're less fashionable now; a private garden but open to the polloi sometimes.


Polymath though he was, Bacon seems not to have been much of a walker.  John Aubrey’s Brief Lives contains this passage, ‘I remember Sir John Danvers told me that his lordship (Bacon) much delighted in his curious garden at Chelsea and as he was walking there one time he fell down in a dead swoon.  My Lady Danvers rubbed his face, temples etc and gave him cordial water: as soon as he came to himself, said he ‘Madam, I am no footman.’” I can’t help feeling I might be missing something in that reply.


And here’s an illustration by Joseph Ratcliffe Skelton titled, ‘Accompanied by a friend to jot down his thoughts, Sir Francis Bacon takes a walk in his garden.’


I made a note to go for a wander around The Walks just as soon as the weather warms up, and while I had this in mind a couple of days ago as walking in London, around the back of the Royal Academy, what was the old Museum of Mankind, and blow me down, there was a statue of Sir Francis Bacon, which of course I'd seen before but never took any notice of:

Sir Francis Bacon was a quotable man – “knowledge is power” that’s one of his - but of course he is not the only Francis Bacon in the world.  This is how he’s remembered on


That, of course, is the wrong Francis Bacon, the one seen below, ‘Francis Bacon Walking on Primrose Hill’ by Bill Brandt.

Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Sometimes I like to think that walking is an abstract, immaterial activity without any end product.  You go out, you come back, and although you may be changed or uplifted or enlightened, you haven’t made or acquired anything.

         Unless, of course, your walk involves scavenging or shopping, and if you’re an assemblage artist.


         Having thought about Harry Smith picking up paper planes from the streets on his walks around Manhattan, I started to think about Joseph Cornell.  It seems possible that they met, though I can’t find any hard evidence for it. 


I reread parts of Deborah Solomon’s biography of Cornell, Utopia Parkway and she does have Cornell as something of a walker. Apparently he would often go walking in Central Park after visiting the galleries on 57thStreet, including Peggy Guggenheim’s Art of This Century.  The Cornell exhibition at London’s Royal Academy was titled Wanderlust.


But this was the passage in Solomon’s book that really stirred me up, ‘In the 1920s, as Cornell was combing through jumbles of objects in New York City, across the world, in the streets of Paris, Andre Breton was scouting flea markets for intriguing trouvailles … and in his autobiographical Amour fou (1936) he described his practice of “wandering in search of everything.”’  I suppose the thing about searching for everything is that wherever you go, you find what you’re looking for.


Breton is widely quoted as saying ‘The simplest act of Surrealism is to walk out into the street, gun in hand, and shoot at random.’  But I’ve never seen why walking had to be involved.  Wouldn’t it be just as surreal to fire your gun out of the window? Or into your own ceiling?


In 1942 Breton and a few other Surrealists were in New York, and were not much impressed by the city. Solomon again, ‘Left with nothing to do, the once-scandalous Surrealists visited galleries, sat through movie matinees and strolled down Third Avenue as Breton pointed out surreal-like objects in the windows of the secondhand stores.’

I can’t find a convincing picture of Breton walking – hard enough to find a picture of him outdoors - but here he is collecting butterflies with Benjamin Peret; some walking must surely have been involved.


Cornell and Breton did meet – Cornell organized a showing of some ‘nickelodeon classics.’ And as Solomon says, the Surrealists realized ‘Cornell himself was as exotic as any Surrealist creation, a passive autodidact who wandered the city with a brown shopping bag full of trouvailles.’


And then, from the dusty dossiers of my memory, I remembered, a long time ago, I was wandering around Manhattan and went into a fairly modest antiques emporium where various dealers were doing business, and the guys were still all aflutter cause the previous day Michael Jackson had been in and bought a couple of items.


         I’m sure this was true, though the idea of Michael Jackson wandering around New York looking for unconsidered trifles seemed as unlikely then as it does now. But a little research reveals the pictures above and below of Michael antiquing, and according to online sources he was a major collector of, among other things, comic books, clowns, unusual jewelry, and materials relating to Charlie Chaplin and the Three Stooges, much of it, it must be said, acquired at auction rather than by wandering the streets looking in antique shops.


And then the thought of auctions reminded me of a curious moment in my life when I was staying in the Daily Telegraph flat in Paris.  Did you know the Daily Telegraph had a flat in Paris?  I didn’t.  And there on a bookshelf was the 8 volume auction catalogue of the Andre Breton sale.  


I thought very seriously about stealing it, but I didn’t a) because of my own moral compass, though that was probably the least of the reasons, b) because I thought somebody might notice it had gone, and I didn’t want to be pursed by the Daily Telegraph and/or the French police, and perhaps most important of all c) because the volumes were immensely heavy and I would have had to carry them on my long walk to the station to get a train back to England.  

I see that catalogue currently sells for a few hundred quid and I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Monday, February 13, 2023


 In the interests of half-arsed research I typed ‘walking wrong’ into Google and wasn’t very surprised by what I found – this kind of thing:


Now of course I’m not actually going to read these articles, though I was almost sucked by this one:


Mistakes while walking may not be the same as walking mistakes but I didn’t trouble to find out – nice font variety through.


Of course many of the mistakes are apparently about posture.  Yes, sometimes the internet is just like a punishing and over critical parent – stand up straight, don’t slouch, look where you’re going. And in these cases the mistake was often revealed in the image.

But there were some surprises. Overstriding.  I’d never heard of that. 


Insufficient weight change – how much is sufficient?


And how about this one?


It’s the whole universe telling me that I’m walking wrong, and in the wrong direction, such as when I find myself walking into space on a concrete parabola that looks a bit like Lubetkin’s penguin pool:

And of course if you Google ‘walking right’ you still get a lot of hits telling you how you’re walking wrong. However, I this one found moderately consoling.  

Invoking scientists always raises the stakes – and scientists are rarely invoked in order to say everything’s just fine, carry on as you are. But in this case, I was encouraged by that line, ‘And there is nothing we can do about it.’ Which is fine, because nothing is exactly what I was planning to do about it anyway.