In some oblique way I think this was related to the Kelvedon Hatch Secret
Nuclear Bunker (above), in Essex, which I visited when I was England last month. The whole place is a temple of cold war gloom
and obsolete office equipment, and it has a long narrow entrance corridor,
which could well have been a precursor of the long narrow alley I walked down
in the dream with Mitt.
The late Christopher Hitchens was somewhere in the dream too. He was alive, but already terminally ill, and
I argued with some heckler on Hitchens’ behalf: a thing he would surely never
have required in life. I think he was
there in the dream because of the time he was walking down a street in Beirut,
strolling “in company … on a sunny Valentine's
Day … in search of a trinket for the
beloved and perhaps some stout shoes for myself” and defaced a
poster from the Syrian Social Nationalist Party
because it bore what he described as a "spinning swastika," and was duly beaten by SSNP heavies. A bit of political graffiti that actually
meant something.