I was in Bristol, in England, and I walked from the station to a place called the
Paintworks – a new “creative quarter” if the website is to be believed.
Not much of a walk, scarcely more than a mile, though it was cold and damp, and I did walk the same route back
again, but long enough to get shouted at by a bicyclist – true I was walking in
a cycle lane - and to see some ruin in the
And some more ruin close up – I do have a bit of a thing for obelisks, ruined or otherwise. (This is one of the few, though possibly not the only way in which I resemble Athanasius Kircher):
And especially there was time to see a couple of quirky depictions of walkers painted
on the ground – the saintly fellow at the top of this post and this one
carrying a ladder: