Showing posts with label Teasel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teasel. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


My oldest mate Richard, oldest in terms of years we’ve known each other, not in terms of 

how long he’s been on the planet, came up to Essex and we walked along by the 

River Stour. It was good.  Richard has become quite the walker and drifter.


He had an app on his phone for identify wild plants and flowers.  Now, I’ve had some trouble with these things in the past, and we used it first on a plant that I could actually identify - the teasel - and the app seemed to know what it was doing, so on we went,


I don't know how important it is to be able to identify things, though it's obviously useful in some cases.  Here’s Richard about to identify some Serbian Bellflower, which I definitely wouldn’t have known.


Along the roadside we found some jetsam – just waiting to be clutched and upcycled.  We thought clutching but then decided that neither of us really needed a lampshade or a glass vase, and we left them for others, but we were glad of the opportunity.


But as a fan of agit prop (if that terms still gets used) our greatest find was this – an anti-mask sticker.  


I’d have peeled it off so I could have added it to the archive but pulling would have torn it so I left it where it was, so it could continue to deliver its subversive and frankly not all that lucid message.